Here to Help
Here to Help is a look at how people’s experience, strength, and hope inspire them to want to help others.
Here to Help
Best of: Why are self worth and productivity not mutually exclusive?
In this best of episode, Chris Hyams talks to social psychologist Dr. Devon Price, about his life, work and latest book "Laziness Does Not Exist" that examines the “laziness lie”—which falsely tells us we are not working or learning hard enough. Price's research has appeared in Slate, Business Insider, Financial Times, HuffPost, Psychology Today, and on NPR and PBS. Like many Americans, Dr. Devon Price believed that productivity was the best way to measure self-worth. Price was an overachiever from the start, graduating from both college and graduate school early, but that success came at a cost. After Price was diagnosed with a severe case of anemia and heart complications from overexertion, he was forced to examine the darker side of all this productivity. Using in-depth research, Price explains that people today do far more work than nearly any other humans in history yet most of us often still feel we are not doing enough. If you are looking for advice to overcome society’s pressure to do more and understand the psychological underpinnings of the “laziness lie" this episode is not to be missed.